I've been average weight since I was a child but loosen weight dramatically in lower secondary school. My mom would reward my good grades with McDs. Then she'd told me I needed to gain more extra pounds. Food has always been my constant companion, one that has loved me as much as I loved it. Food has always equaled love and acceptance, marked celebrations and sorrow. Still, how couldn’t I gain any possible weight?!
I’m a hard gainer (with high metabolism), and I’d hid behind my weight for many years...then one day, I blossomed. My buddy asked if I was interested to go for a swimming lesson – and I did! We rushed for the lesson almost every evening and I had no time to worry and wallow in my pity and self-doubt. Finally I become fitter before I really have the courage to go a step further –sign up as a member in a gym centre!
So now here I am –all 65kg of me (though my main target is approximately 70kg). It's time for me to regain power over my own life, especially for brand new year 2007.