“我們生活在一個真實的世界里,社會越是文明,反而對外表美的要求越高,真是諷刺。古時生物擇偶,注意外表,因為羽毛漂亮,動物本身想必健康兼繁殖力頑強,在進化中漸漸外表占了優勢,一直演變至今日,人類追求美麗已達畸形狀態…… 美,美,美——總有大批犧牲者。”
"Raven, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Mrs Peevish asked, her green eyes staring through me.
I said nothing.
"An actress?"
I shook my head.
"A doctor?"
"Nuh, uh," I said.
"A flight attendant?"
"Yuck!" I replied.
"Then what?" she asked, annoyed.
I thought for a moment. "I want to be……"
"I want to be……a vampire!"
Mrs Peevish asked, her green eyes staring through me.
I said nothing.
"An actress?"
I shook my head.
"A doctor?"
"Nuh, uh," I said.
"A flight attendant?"
"Yuck!" I replied.
"Then what?" she asked, annoyed.
I thought for a moment. "I want to be……"
"I want to be……a vampire!"