這是美國CW電視台2009年至2010年度新劇《The Vampire Diaries》(吸血鬼日記)的第一季海報。這部(又)以吸血鬼為題材的新劇,其實是改編自L. J. Smith的同名暢銷系列小說。

今早,突然驚覺【血庫】里的血根已耗完。我唯有趁血癮還未復發前,趕緊到鄰近的書局采購了L.J. Smith的另三本【鮮血】。這是作者名為《Night World》的young adult系列小說,里頭一共集合了吸血鬼、人狼、女巫等黑暗生物的9則故事。

今早,突然驚覺【血庫】里的血根已耗完。我唯有趁血癮還未復發前,趕緊到鄰近的書局采購了L.J. Smith的另三本【鮮血】。這是作者名為《Night World》的young adult系列小說,里頭一共集合了吸血鬼、人狼、女巫等黑暗生物的9則故事。
"In the Night World there's this idea called soulmate principle. It says that every person has one soulmate out there, just one. And that person is perfect for you and is your destiny. The problem being that almost nobody ever finds their soulmate, just because of distance. So most people go through their whole lives feeling not complete."